In order to take notes in a largely minimalist fashion, the goal should be to capture the most important information while saving a considerable amount of energy. While it is important to capture as much information as possible, sometimes the information flows too fast to the extent that conciseness becomes necessary.
Organizing Notes:
The following are a few primary methods of how to organize notes or how to minimize notes:
Outline Method
This form of taking notes involves simple bullet points going down the page in a linear fashion. Although relatively simple, this method allows for quick note taking with prioritization
Mapping Method
Beginning with a primary topic, the mapping method of notettaking forms a branch-like structure, extending through several nodes to signify differences and sections of the given information. If the layers of ideas are vividly contemplated, this can be a highly efficient way of how to write down notes.
Chart Method
For higher levels of detail, the best note taking strategy is to section off the page into a series of columns and rows, allowing for another set of cells to contain their own sets of divided information.
Hand Writing:
According to a large quantity of studies, handwriting provides a considerable increase in focus as well as forcing the writer to take minimal notes, due to the lesser amount of time given to the writer for transcription.
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